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Tag: Pizza Turnover

Pizza Hut’s Pepperoni Lover’s Melt

I am a big fan of Pizza Hut restaurants; who doesn’t love Pizza Hut?! They launched a few new items for their menu not too long ago, and one of them is called Melts. What is it, and what do I think of them? I will share that here, along with a review! At first, I admit that I was so confused with the name of the new item they had put on their menu because the look of it and how they described the food item didn’t exactly give me a clear image of what it was until I looked into it more. If the people over at Pizza Hut and some people come to me to tell me that they resisted ordering that item named Melts or that they are struggling to sell them, then it is no wonder. Because I resisted ordering melts for a while because, again, I was unsure of the food item; if you hear a pizza restaurant telling you that the new item on their menu is called melts, tell me, what does it sound like? Almost like a cheese stick, cheesy, or something that has to do with cheese being melted. Maybe macaroni and cheese? Perhaps it’s the cheese itself but seasoned? Ohh! Maybe it’s deep-fried cheese (which I realized is cheese…

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