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Tag: PC Gaming Controller Review

Microsoft Xbox Elite Controller Series 2

There are many gaming controllers out there that people can choose from, ranging from branded controllers to the aftermarket controllers that gamers can choose, and all of these controllers have different specifications or capabilities such as some can be a universal controller for any gaming devices or controller that can only work with one or limited numbers of gaming devices. We know that two companies dominate the gaming controllers in the gamers world, Microsoft with their Xbox controllers and Sony with their Dualshock controllers. Every controller has something unique about them that differentiates them from others, such as the shape, grip, buttons, and whatnot for every controller out there. But there is one brand that we know capable of the most gaming devices, including PC – Microsoft Xbox Controllers. Speaking of Microsoft’s Xbox controller, I own their Xbox Elite Controller series 1, which is the first version of their elite controller, and it became my main driver for all of the gaming devices, especially for PC, but I do have a love/hate relationship with the Xbox Elite controller series 1. While the first Xbox elite controller is comfortable, it has good trigger speed, and it was somewhat enjoyable. The keyword is “somewhat” because there one thing that I despise about the Xbox Elite Controller Series 1 is that it does…

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