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Tag: NSA

Warning: Heartbleed bug.

Ever since the heartbleed bug went into trending over the internet and that word went viral which was quite unbelievable especially how many news and websites announced about heartbleed and recommending each one of you to install heartbleed bug into your websites. Ever since the news and other websites comes out discussing about heartbleed I wasn’t so sure of it and my instincts had told me that it’s not safe because I had a feeling that it were made by governments (NSA) that would gather information from people through the internet because for several days I have read news about how NSA begin to hack or gather all kinds of information they can get from you all and it turns out that my instinct were right which that surprised me because I almost thought it was a safe but glad that I went with my instinct. Now about the bug so-called heartbleed that spread over on the internet and went viral on several popular websites among other news isn’t safe as it said it is if you install it and almost every website you visit recommending you to install it and the ones of you who didn’t install it then you are very lucky and I am glad for that. The heartbleed bug on several websites recommended you to download…

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