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Tag: Movies

Robin Williams passed away, RIP!

Hey guys! How are the things going over there with you all wherever you all are at? I hope everything is well, all is going well over here although it has been pour raining all day here in Belfry which is an area in the state of Kentucky in United States and even with the heaviness of the rain have been going on here for all day at almost non-stop that did not stop me from taking an 30-minutes trip to Wal-Mart over in Pikeville with my mother as we both had to go to Pikeville today for something so we decided to go ahead and stop over at Wal-Mart over in Pikeville since that we were there because the Wal-Mart in Pikeville are a lot better than the one here in Belfry area for some reason. Nonetheless with the hard pouring rain all over, I still had fun with my mother there though my arm is now hurting from pushing the cart for a couple of hours over there at Wal-Mart and I have bought a small amount of things such as a $50 Itunes card because I always buy the movies from there to watch the movies on my computer or an Apple TV since I have recently bought the Apple TV a few weeks ago which that…

Violence is bad and tidbits 5!

Hey every one of you, my friends! How is it going over there wherever you all are at, and what all of you have done lately? As goes for myself, I have done alright lately and sometimes I am not doing as well like I wanted to be but of course you know that is part of life. I don’t know if I have mentioned in one of the recent articles about how it is going over here but I have been very busy lately which it adds a lot of stress for myself than the usual because my schedules has built up to the point where I hardly have any time to close my eyes or let alone to rest and that is making it even harder for me to find a time to write some blogs here sadly. Nothing can stop me from doing something I have a passion for which that would be blogging but I am suspecting that it is eventually going to slow me down a lot to a point that it is a possibility that I might have to either cut down on writing an article every two days or the time I put into doing some research which is very important when it comes to making sure that whatever I am writing about…

Tidbits 1, This Is The Beginning.

  I am starting to realize that I have run out of some ideas to write about something or on lately because where I made a goal that I would either write a couple of articles every two days or one article per day which is what I have done lately, at least most of the times but in the results of that is are making myself to run out of some ideas on what to write about, on something or to write some review. That is one of the reason I added a new feature some weeks ago where everyone can submit some of the ideas for me to write about or on or to write some reviews for some of the people which can be found here but the problem with that is it’s starting to get crowded because it’s full of spam, there are about 30-40% of submissions are from some of the people who submitted the ideas for me to write about or on, or to write some reviews and the other percent is spam and the real submissions from the people with ideas are being overcrowded by spammers which makes it a bit harder for me to narrow the submissions that is submitted by the people with ideas. The submissions where people submitted some of the…

Movies for this year, on the list.

There are some of the people who doesn’t watch many movies and there are some of the people who does watch several movies and I am one of the people who watch several movies, because movies is my thing and I watch several movies every day as it is one of my addiction. It isn’t all about being entertained when watching movies but it is also learning about the movies itself, as in some of the movies you can learn about something that you don’t know yet. Beside blogging, watching several movies a day and collecting several movies as well is my passion and I am sure that I am not the only person who has a passion that watch movies daily and collects several movies on the shelves and on the computers as digital. Some of the people prefer musics over movies and that is something I will never understand but whatever floats their boat I guess, of course these people who prefer musics over movies might not understand how some of the people prefer movies over music so that is fair. Watching several movies isn’t my only thing but watching some of television shows is my thing too because they are same in some way although it is still different only due to the duration in between movies…

Favorite Movies List.

I don’t know about some of you but every day I must watch some movies, I have a huge collection of movies which is several thousands in DVDs, Blu-ray, VHS and digital such as Itunes. I am some sort of films connoisseur I guess you could say because for several years I have watched movies daily and it’s must for me to do so and my goal is to have every film to collect especially actors or actresses that is my favorite or some movies that worth the money. Everyone has their favorite movies and I have mine so in this article I am going to post my favorite movies, probably in top 10 to 25 depending on how many movies that I call it my favorite and it doesn’t have to be only one to be a favorite because you can have more than one favorite same way with other things. So here is some of the movies that I absolutely call my favorites and worth every penny, and the movies that I call my favorites I recommend you to buy them and watch them as well if you wish and some of them are rare that you can’t find anywhere local. Enjoy finding out what my favorite movies are and I am going to write them now below.…

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