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Tag: International Sign Language

Mix American Sign Language With Another?

I have been seeing a lot of Deaf people on social media starts to use a mix of American Sign Language and International Sign Language which can be very confusing for a lot of people including myself. What is more bothersome is that some copy the signs from International Sign Language with American Sign Language, telling people that they are American Sign Language when they aren’t even American Sign Language because they are signs from International Sign Language and uses them with American Sign Language can be very confusing for some. There are some people in a group calls “ASL That!” where they would learn some new signs for some words in American Sign Language obviously since the group are all about ASL aka American Sign Language and I have noticed that some Deaf people along with other people who know sign language (interpreters or codas) in the group or even outside the group would use the sign for people from International Sign Language thinking that it is the new sign or modernized sign for American Sign Language when they are not as they are being copied from International Sign Language. To my fear that I am starting to see a lot of people start using mixture of American Sign Language and International Sign Language for the norms which would…

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