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Tag: Get Out Of The Country

2-8-2020 Snippets

So, the Thanksgiving passed us by, Christmas passed us by as well and now the New Year just passed us by. A lot of holidays in a very short period of time, not only that my mother’s birthday is just a few days after Christmas so it means a lot more presents for her and anyone who has a birthday close to Christmas I bet that they like that they were born so close to the Christmas! I was born in winter but not too soon after Christmas though, as my birthday is three months apart from Christmas so I was pretty much born in late winter as my birthday is in March and that isn’t all because I didn’t mention Valentine’s day! Companies thrive due to that because we always buy their products for somebody and then for ourselves in some cases. I hope that all of you had a great holidays, I know I had a good holidays myself although the age of my bones are getting the best of me every day and while I did had a good holidays I am still a bit disappointed over the fact that we didn’t see a lot of white winters which I mean snow. We didn’t have snow on Christmas, in fact, it was close to 70s on Christmas…

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