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Tag: Gestures

12-10-2016 Tidbits

I know I have not write anything for a few days, about a bit over half of a week because I have been somewhat lately and not only that I have unbelievably struggles with trying to find some time to write an article for the blog since my last article where I was talking about looking for anyone who would like to write an article as a guest. By the way for these emails that I have gotten from you about wanting to write a guest article on here, I am very thankful for these emails and I am hoping that I will continue getting some more e-mails from some of you who would like to write an article as a guest. It seems that through these emails I have gotten from the people, most of them wants to write an article about foods and recipes so I am somewhat taken back by that as I realized that there are more food bloggers than I thought they would be. I have not picked two or three guest bloggers to write one of each articles as guest yet because I want to make sure that everyone can still get this opportunity to write an article as a guest in case if they didn’t know that I am looking for some guest…

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