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Tag: Electronics Cleaning Cloth

MagicFiber Microfiber Cloth

There are different kinds of cleaning cloth, but for one specific to clean the electronics such as cameras, lenses, screens, smartphones, smartwatches, and whatnot, it is best to have microfiber cloth to clean them. If using any other such as plain towel paper or whatnot, they will damage these electronics, especially in the sensitive parts such as screen, lenses, glasses, and whatnot. Microfiber cloth has a smooth surface to them with no textile or rough feeling to them, which is why they are best to clean our electronics with because the microfiber material absorbs and remove the dust, oil, smudges, fingerprints, and dirt without leaving any scratch, streak, mark or lint. We know many other cleaning clothes has full of lint; besides the rough textile, lint is one of the top five ways to have our electronics damaged. So, in other words, do not use your shirt or any other materials that are not microfiber to clean your electronics, and that goes the same for your glasses or sunglasses. The bottom line is that if anything that has glass or similar and you need them cleaned, then get the microfiber cleaning cloth to clean them, which they work wonder by glass on our electronics, such as the camera on our smartphones, the screen of our smartphone, our smartwatches screen, our…

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