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Tag: DVD

Wal-Mart Today Pickup Sucks!

I had hard finding a TV shows DVD that was released on the 6th of this month, September which that was two days ago as when I sent my mother to Wal-Mart to get me the TV show DVD and she couldn’t find it anywhere at the Wal-Mart here even though on their website says they are in stocked. Even inside at the Wal-Mart, it said that it has three in stock and we had employees looking all over for the TV shows DVD for me but couldn’t find any which this was on the first day of the release and then the next day I sent my mother back there to see if there were any in stock but there weren’t so my mother asked one of their employee again then the employee had the supervisor to search for it to double-check that the employee didn’t miss anything. Of course the supervisor said that they couldn’t find it, they have said that even though it said it has three in stock but couldn’t find any and said that it could means that three of them were stolen. The TV shows DVD that I have been tirelessly searching for is The Flash Season two, I must have that TV shows DVD as it is my favorite comic’s character of all…

Tidbits 8-17-16

There are a few of topics that I would like to discuss about with you today, as some of you know that I write tidbits article here now and then so you should know that sometimes that a tidbits article can get long because where the definition for tidbit means that it is a bit of anything. So it will be more than just one topic instead of one topic, I think that sometimes it is better writing about a few of topics instead of just one topic because it can get a bit boring and not only that I am somewhat talkative so obviously it’s fitting for me as I don’t like writing or talking about just one topic or one of something. If you ever think of a word for something that you would like to discuss or share your opinions about few or several topics than just one topic then now you know that there is a word and that is tidbits. Tidbit is in the dictionary so you can easily find the definition for the word “Tidbit” on some search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo and tidbits are more interesting to read than just reading one topic because some of the people likes to read about a few of topics than just one thing so…

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