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Tag: Donald Trump

2017 Politics Tidbits

How are you all?! I hope that you all are doing well, I am doing pretty myself and I have been busy lately! I know that I haven’t written an article for a several days, more than a week if my calculation is correct so I apologize about that because as I said I have been a lot busy lately and in additional with that my timing was out of the control as I struggled with keeping up with the time. Sometimes I wish that whoever invented a clock, which in that case unknown Egyptians when they invented a portable sundial and from there the timekeeping came to existence after the Egyptians figured out how to build a portable sundial using a vertical, gnomon or obelisk namely sundials and inventor(s) of sundials is unknown as the historians couldn’t find any information how it started from there. Only thing that they know is that sundials calculates by the sun when the sun moves across the ground and there are some sundials around here in the United States that you can find. You know these big table looking alike where it will tell you the time by looking at the shadow? That’s what sundials is and I will post a picture of it so to give you a better idea of what…

1-9-2017 Tidbits

Hey guys and women! I hope that every one of you are doing well, I am doing well myself aside being a bit cold as it is at 11 degree here in the eastern part of Kentucky and that is darn cold if you ask me. Now that the Christmas has passed by and as well the New Year has passed away so there are several days with no holidays for us except for the students who attend schools because of snow days. I remember that when I was in school, I always roots for several days of snow because it would mean that the school would be closed and this allows me to enjoy the snow days with some of the friends that I used to hang out with a several years ago, when we were in school together. Makes me wonder how some of the people who I used to hang out with, the ones that I used to talk with in school or my old classmates have done lately as most of them I haven’t talked to or seen in more than a decade since I graduated in the year of 2005 so that is twelve years ago, I was wild back then especially when it comes with some girls because I would use to flirts a…

1-5-2017 Tidbits

Hey guys and women! I see that a lot of the people starts getting back to their routines, back to work, some adults being sent back to the colleges and some children being sent back to schools which I am sure that some of the parents are a bit happy about that since with their children being sent back to school would give them a little relief or some room to breathe after trying to handle these wild children for a couple of the weeks due to Christmas break. My mother is a special aide at a middle school as she has been for more than a decade or two, she assists the children with some kinds of special needs and I think she has worked for so many years so I sometimes would ask her to retire so that I could have my mother at home without having to worry about if something was to happen to her there. For some reason, as the years goes by I starts getting more worried over her going to work because I believe that if she is to retire that she would have much less risks to her health and by retiring I believe that she will continue to be very healthy as she is now. When my aunt broke her ankle…

Reflection of ’16 & Happy New Year ‘17

Hey guys and women! I would like to wish all of you a very happy new year 2017! I am sure that some of your nights are still going on as it is still early night at 2:20AM and I hope that those of you who party with alcohol to be careful with deciding about driving because I highly recommend that you call a taxi or uber to drive you home. Even though if you aren’t drinking it is still dangerous to be driving on the road especially tonight since it is the new year and I am certain that there is a lot of people whose driving drunk so keep your eyes out for them. Everyone is celebrating the New Year, as everybody have every right to celebrate the new year but I am somewhat not in mood for celebration because there are a few reasons which I will share a bit later below. I watched the New Year ball drops as we always watch the ball drops on New Year eve every year, we would celebrate every year until tonight we are starting to realize that it feels as if it is just another day even though we know that it is the New Year and now I don’t really see the point in celebrating for the New…

12-20-2016 Tidbits

Hey guys and women! How are all of you doing tonight? I hope that all of you are doing well, not only that I also hope that every one of you are keeping yourselves warm especially in the northern from east to west in the United States, especially in the eastern part since that is where I am at and it is a bit cold outside but at least it is doable if you are under the roof with something that keep the house heated like fireplace, portable electric heaters or the floor heater like my house. Here in the state where I live in, Kentucky in east on the borderline between Kentucky and West Virginia. I believe that this area has one of few most bipolar weathers that the mother nature just cannot decide which it is for us to be in, is it going to be warm or is it going to be cold or is it going to be warm and then pummel to blistering cold in matter of hours at sunset. I lives in rural area if that’s what they call it, some call it a partial of the city or some calls it in mountain and that is what I also go by since I lives in or more so on a mountain. I am…

Donald Trump Is Unfit for Presidency

Past a couple of days, I have seen a few of people who wrote some articles to share their opinions on why Donald Trump isn’t fit to be the President of the United States and shared some few good reasons why they don’t think that Donald Trump isn’t fit to be the President of the United States. Major of them were from bloggers, a few of them were from news outlet such as Washington Post and few of others. I know I have written an article on why I didn’t think Donald Trump should be the President of the United States but I wrote it during the beginning of the election after both parties given their nominees, when the Republican party decided that Donald Trump is the chosen one to be the Republican president that Republican party wants and Democrat party decided Hillary Clinton to be the chosen one to be the Democrat President for the Democratic party. Of course, I did my part as an American, as it’s my rights to vote whomever I think would be more suit to be the President of the United States so I voted Hillary Clinton and in the end Hillary Clinton have won the votes but unfortunately lost the presidency due to electoral votes to Donald Trump. I haven’t written much of…

12-2-2016 Tidbits

How are all of you doing?! I hope that every one of you are doing well, usually when it is nearing Christmas it is the month for us to be joyful and enjoy the mother nature depending on where some of us lives at or visiting in. I am over here on the very east part of the America, in the state of Kentucky so the mother nature over here is known to be bipolar sometimes and cannot decide what or which to throw at us. Is it cold? Is it warm? Is it chill? Or is it rain, snow or rains in very frigid cold temperature that turns the wet roads and grounds into ice? Sometimes I wish that the mother nature here in the state of Kentucky would just make up its mind and make it to happen. If I was to be asked by the mother nature which is it that I would like to have for the weather, of course I would say to give us good amounts of snow considering that it is in December which is the month that is known for the white snow and I would ask that the snow to be gone on certain days for any of us who have these monthly doctor appointment for a regular check-up due to…

Dear President-Elect Donald Trump

Dear President-Elect Donald Trump. I have thought for several hours on whether I should bother to write this or not but I have decided that a few important matters cannot be as easily dismissed so I have decided to write this public letter to you, President-Elect Donald Trump. Before I can begin, I would like to say that you may or may not acknowledge that I am not a fan of you being one of candidates for presidency here the United States and on my conscience I could not simply vote you to become the next President of the United States. I am one of millions who have voted Hillary Clinton to become the 45th President of the United States, while you understand that I have the right to vote whomever I feel that the person would be better at presidency than any other candidates including yourself but unfortunately Hillary Clinton could not get enough electoral votes. Though the candidate I voted for may have lost the presidency does not means that I would not accept that you have won the presidency, I humbly accept you to be the next President of the United States and I am looking forward to what you can do for the Americans. The reason I rooted and voted for Hillary Clinton is because I…

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