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Tag: District 15

Deaf Politician Has His Social Security Information Leaked

Some of you may know or may not know who Chris Haulmark is, before I go into it, I would like to share the introduction of who he is because this is important. Chris Haulmark was running for the district third (3rd) Congress in Kansas in the last election (2018 election) as a Democrat and then his advisors along with his citizens suggested that he run as a representative first so that he can get a taste of how the state government works so that way he can be better prepared to become a senator in the next election or two if his citizens think he did a good job as the house of representative in the state of Kansas. He took that advice, changed from third (3rd) district congressional to fifteen (15th) district representative for the state of Kansas and down the road in the election he won the Democratic nomination. Since then, he did a lot of doors knocking and making a vlog in American Sign Language (ASL) a day for 365 days campaigning on Chris Haulmark’s official campaign Facebook page. I even wrote a piece about him in one of my articles in the year 2017 when he was running for the Congress before making the decision to switch the position from Congress to a representative in…

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