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Tag: Cyberlink PhotoDirector

Cyberlink Director Suite 365

I have used several editing programs for computers that I use to edit some of the videos and some of the photos that I have taken. As I said, I had tried many editing software; this includes Apple’s FinalCut X, Adobe Master Collector’s CS, Affinity (often used on Macs), and many others. This editing program that I am reviewing is Cyberlink Director Suite 365, which contains most of the editing software you would need to edit your video, picture, audio, coloring, and a few more others. Cyberlink has been known for a pre-installed media player on most PCs for the last few years. Not many people realize that the Cyberlink company is also known for its multimedia editings software such as video or photo editing software unless they become curious about Cyberlink once they see the name of the media player pre-installed on new computers. After seeing Cyberlink’s name on a pre-installed media player on my desktop computer, I checked to see what Cyberlink is all about. I have come across several reviewers saying that Cyberlink editing software is one of the best except for Apple’s FinalCut X. I needed editing software for my Windows computers since the FinalCut can only be used on macOS operating system and window operating system computer is my daily driver. At the same time,…

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