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Tag: CRT

7-16-2021 Snippets

Here I am writing a new snippets article that I know is overdue as I hadn’t written a snippets article about a month and a half ago. I have been going through many things that put everything on hold, including all of my works which I will explain in one of the topics for this snippets article. I apologize for keeping all of you in the dark for at least a while; here I am back working for all of my companies/brands, including writing an article for JoshiesWorld, and I hope some of you at least will like a few of the topics that I am writing about. 7-16-2021 Snippets Here is a list of the topics that I will use in this snippets article. As always, you read the whole snippets article, but if you are in a hurry or only want to read certain topics that you are more interested in, you can press the “Show Topics List” below, and the list will expand (open) where you can see what topics that is being used in this snippets article so you can press any of them that you would be interested in reading them instead of reading the whole snippets article. But again, I encourage a read on the entire snippets article! Inactive And Immobilized Just a little…

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