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Tag: Celebrate

Happy 8th Birthday to JoshiesWorld!

Today marked 8th years of website as I have founded and JoshiesWorld branding as well in August 7th 2007 so it is eight (8) years old for JoshiesWorld today! Ever since the day I founded JoshiesWorld was the day I became a blogger myself where I could share valuable information with everybody else out there in the whole world that no other opinions websites or news would share due to the fear of making their branding to look bad which is something that I am against because negative things can help the people instead of being positive all the time which that can get very boring and beside if balance out in between positive and negative then that hits the chord for all readers. I take pride in that because I want everybody to know what news outlet or editorials doe not want anyone to know, I will tell you as I sees it and they will tell you with censorship which that is something I am very much against because in my opinion that everybody has the right to know even if it is something negative. But nonetheless I will share with every one of you about my blogging and JoshiesWorld later but right now I want to say happy 8th birthday to JoshiesWorld which it became…

Independence Day, what that means?

There are many federal holidays on the calendar in the United States to celebrate although some of them are unknown or they are considered worth to celebrate, out of all federal holidays there is one federal holiday that is very important for everyone in United States and everyone always celebrate for that specific day. Obviously you know which federal holidays I am referring since it is in the title as it is independence day where everyone like to celebrate with some of their family and friends with some foods, drinks, party or what we love doing the most for the independence day is to shoot the fireworks in the sky where we can just sit back and watch some of awesome fireworks in the sky, the most common in some cities there is fireworks display on a day before the independence day for some reason and only a reason I could see is that to allow everyone to have their own celebration at home or somewhere with their family and friends to celebrate the independence day by cooking out some foods, stocking up some alcohol and shooting the fireworks of their own that they bought from some places that sells the fireworks like some tents that are sitting beside the highway especially over here in Belfry, KY. Although for some…

My 27th Birthday.

Yesterday on March 18th, 2014 were my 27th birthday. Yes I know I am getting old, if some of you are going to say that age is still a young age I will call you bullcrap because it’s what it feels. I would like to give my thanks to every one of you on Facebook and Twitter for wishing me a happy birthday, I have read each one of them although I haven’t answered any one of them and I probably won’t able to because they are several ones, would take me forever to answer each one of them so to make it less complicated I would like to go ahead and give my thanks to all of you for the wishes. I had a fantastic birthday yesterday, especially with my mother and one visitor that I always truly appreciate, Danny. My mother had a cake made by bakery with two layers of camouflage with deer antlers atop with some leafs hanging onto the antler, it was beautiful done by the baker however I do not like the cake either did my mother and there is a reason for that – fondue. I cannot stand the fondue but the cake itself was quite delicious, only if without fondue then it would be a great cake. We would take the fondue…

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