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Tag: Breakthrough

Old Computers, Kids Reaction.

Every operating systems industries and computers manufacturer company has improved and upgraded in technology every day to a point where there is several of the people who either forgot how it was when using the old computers back in the days especially in the year of 90s or even several of the people never thought that there was old operating systems or computers were exists that look very completely different from the desktop and the laptops today that several of the people owns. While it is understandable that the young ages of people who born a decade or two later seeing the new desktop and laptops that their parents owns or the schools they attend owns but the thing is that the old operating systems or computers is still very important and is part of the technology and the reason that the desktop or laptop is absolutely amazing today but it is somewhat worrisome. Old Computers and their reaction. The reason that there is worrisome where there is several of the people who either forgotten how the old operating systems or the computers were in the back of the days or never knew that they exists because they are very important part of the history for technology especially that the old operating systems and the old computers was a breakthrough…

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