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Tag: American Sign Language Program

10-30-2020 Snippets

Hey guys and ladies! I hope that all of you are doing well! I know that this year hasn’t been too good to any of us thanks to the virus pandemic, as it unexpectedly disrupts many of our routines on the business level and as well on a personal level. I hope that all of you are protecting yourself if not for your elderly family members or friends and the people with health conditions since we know that anyone who is elder or who has health condition is the ones at the highest risk if they are exposed to COVID-19. I know it isn’t easy to distance ourselves from the elders or people with health condition ones to protect them, but there is always a way to take advantage of modern technology such as video chat. The more people who follow what the health officials ask of us, such as wearing masks and social distances at least six feet or further and washing our hands thoroughly, the quicker we can beat the invisible enemy of ours. If you refuse to do that, then at least do one right thing: to distance yourself from the elder ones or those who have health conditions because doing so would mean you would show them the respect they would for you. Just because you…

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