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Merry Christmas ’12!

I would like to say, Merry Christmas to every one of you and Happy New Year to every one of you. I know that you are excited and is looking forward to waking up in the morning tomorrow to open the presents and be with your family and friends, sharing smile and loves with each others and be sure to count every of your blessings. It’s important time of the year, it’s holiday where everybody are supposed to be with family and friends and where you get to eat big dinner that’s going to fill your stomach to full enough to a point where you almost certain that you’re about to puke.

There is also few of things that I would like to say, it’s also dangerous time of the year for some people so please be safe and be responsible if you are going to be drinking alcohol. It’s alright to drink and celebrate Christmas and New Year and I sure cannot blame you although I don’t drink although I used to, so therefore I know what it feels to have a little of good buzz and to be able to chill while celebrating and smiling with your family and friends. Only I ask from you is to be safe and be responsible when you do so.

Now some of you non-drinkers, if you must to drive somewhere then please do remember that there’s some of people that may be drunk and driving because there will be no matter where you are, since it’s holiday and that’s just what some of people do and it’s illegal to be driving which reminds me to ask any of you drinkers if you cannot drive then please do not and call in a cab to give you a ride to home or have a designed driver with or nearby.

Tomorrow is going to be a blessing day, indeed. I wish that I could be able to give every single of you, my fans some presents but unfortunately due to the high volume of visitors I couldn’t even imagine how much it’d cost me to do so.:P However I want to thank you every one to be fans of JoshiesWorld, it’s great and wonderful. It gave me the sense of successful so thank you for that.

Aside the fans, I want to personally thank all of my family and friends and I wish every one of you very Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year.

The most important thing I want you to know is that I want you to be happy and to smile and celebrate the wonderful holiday tomorrow and in few days for the new year. I wish you the best, very one! May God bless you all, have a great holiday!

– Founder of JoshiesWorld,
Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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