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Help a friend out, vote!

Today WSAZ made contests for the ugliest bathroom and a friend of mine needs help to get the most votes as possible to be selected as winner, as I’ve witnessed it myself before and I know how much makeover the bathroom needs more than anything. I mean, even to this day I am surprised that it has not yet to break in yet as it would be at any time so I am asking you to vote this contest for a friend of mine in hope for my friend Amber Blackburn to win, because obviously she won’t be able to win it without you, so this is all relying on you to cast a vote. Take my word, she do needs it and with all of you as it only takes a minute to cast a vote would be a grateful thing that would ever happen for her. I mean, how would you feel if your bathroom is bad as the look in the picture of her bathroom? Because if it was, you would do anything to win it. So why don’t you vote it for her. To do so, just click the picture below and then cast your vote! I cast my vote already.

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