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Happy Valentine’s day!

Happy Valentines day to you and I hope you have a great Valentines day. Valentines day is the most favorite holiday for everybody who’s in relationship because often, it shows how much they love each others and cherish the moments that each you have for each others. And plus, best of all you get chocolate, right ladies?! And these out there who don’t have a sweetheart for valentines day, that’s fine! All of you can still have fantastic valentines day without your sweetheart, because I know I am having pretty good day myself on this Valentines day without anyone in my life at this moment. Always remember, valentines day doesn’t means that you have to have someone to be with you on the valentines day. You can still have valentines day with your friends or family. Because Valentines day is all about love, not mostly about being together like most of people thought it was for. And if you have children and not a sweetheart then the children is your valentines day! Or even your niece or nephew, anyone can be and it don’t have to be husband, wife, boyfriend and girlfriend.

I almost never have a girlfriend for Valentines day and that’s the truth, I did for few valentines day but I use my time with the family at the most. I think valentines day is sort of like Halloweens and birthday mixed. You get candy, you get present so that’s Halloween and Birthday into one!

And today isn’t only Valentines day, today is also my aunt’s birthday, Sherry. She was born on Valentines day! Happy birthday, Sherry! (This is why she’s such a sweetheart, she got Valentines in her!)

Happy Valentines day to you everybody and I love you all fans, family and friends! This is coming from Joshie!

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