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Day And Night.

In the evening on Friday I have decided that I should take a video of the daytime in the evening into the night using GoPro Hero4 Black Edition, just to give me something to do and I was due to have a video anyway since I haven’t recorded any videos in a very long time so ever since I started watching some videos on YouTube where some people records using their GoPro which that inspired me to actually start using my GoPro Hero4 Black Edition instead of letting it collects some dust well the case that GoPro is in collects dust. Ever since the memorial weekend where I decided for the first time that I want to put my GoPro Hero4 Black Edition in use, not only that I also bought GoPro Session on that same week before the memorial weekend because I wanted to use the GoPro Hero 4 Black Edition on the mount at the front of my ATV and use the GoPro Session for moving around either on a pole (GoPro 3-way) or clipped to the front of my hat. I have uploaded the video where we went trail riding on ATVs which you can find it by looking for ATV Adventure: Ballfork Mountain on the media page at top of the website under ATV Adventures videos album so since then I have decided that I wanted to keep putting both of my GoPro cameras in use and I came to an idea last Friday to record a video just out of boredom so I decided to record the sunset starting from the evening until it turns into the night (dark out).

Here is the video that I did on last Friday using GoPro Hero 4 Black Edition at 1080 superview at 60FPS and edited on Final Cut Pro X on my new 15” Macbook Pro that I just got for Christmas (latest model, 2015 model) using the speed at 1000x fast forward because obviously no one would watch two hours video just waiting for the sunset to set.

Day To Night

So here is the video that I titled “Day To Night” which is uploaded at YouTube or you can simply find the video on the media page on here by going to the media tab at top of the website and then go to the Adventures, Outdoors & Natures videos album for less hassle instead of having to go all the way over to YouTube then having to look for the video on my channel so it would probably be easier to go ahead to the video on the media page here. I hope that all of you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed making it (getting somewhat addicted to filmmaking) although at the moment I am only a beginner obviously but I am learning on the go so hopefully in time I will improve from there as more videos I do.

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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