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Coal miners, not support.

I am almost sure that I am going to get hated on for writing this post by my family and few of my friends but everybody has different opinions and of course I am going to share mine. Before, let me first say that if you think my opinions may seems to be somewhat rude but that’s not my intention because I am only sharing my opinions. Now before I go any deeper, let me say this. My dad was a coal miner who has works in coal mine for quite length of years and almost a little over half of my dad’s side of family who happens to be coal miner from either past or presence, and as well my uncle and my cousins and lord know who else but I do know that nearly all family on my father’s side works in coal mines. But most of people has not yet to know the reality of this, having coal mines all over is killing us. The better question I can ask, is why are you supporting something that is killing us, or better yet the earth? Because it’s mostly all about selling coals is why the coal mines exist. And they are not good for environment. Trains uses coal,  which that throws all kinds of coals and do you even know what is causing to hurt the earth by just tooting the coal in fire? Pollutions. In my own belief, is that coal mine is one of many reasons that it’s breaking the earth itself apart. And do you even know what coal use for? Fuel. They are just there to sell coal to produce fuel from it for some companies to be selling fuel or even gasoline for vehicles and anything that requires fuel, that just even increase the percents of pollutions which hurts the earth even more than only because of trains using coals.

That’s not only thing that they’re destroying, aside putting more pollutions in air for us to get more sick they are destroying the beautiful mountain. If coal mines keep going on then we won’t have any mountain to enjoy ourselves or to browse around. Because in order for coal mines to be successful, they always expanding and stealing some mountains then we won’t be able to have animals to keep them healthy and also in fact, destroying the water for us to drink from mountain because water is also coming from mountain, again the water isn’t only coming from mountain though. But one of is.

And many more of things that coal miners are killing even humans, animals, mountains, and environment and among other things is what makes me to never will be able to support coal miners any. In fact, I hope coal mines won’t be exist in future, because in fact they would do us a lot of favor by stopping coal miners working and make us live so much better and you know it. Even any of you who supports coal mining because of your family members or friends is a coal miner but refuse to know the reality, so I suggest to do some search before supporting it as if you are supporting something that kills us which isn’t a good thing for you to do so unless, of course you are the people that likes to see people getting injured or killed and that’s including your coal miners. Stop them from working in coal mines as soon as possible.

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