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Behind of Social Networking/Media.

As many of people on this earth that use social networking websites and instant messaging systems and among of others type of websites. I have witnessed and in fact, known quite a lot of people from my young days and today. I am going to give some of the facts only in my knowledge and my experiences to you all over in social media and many internet socials websites where everybody has an account for themselves in order to communicate, display their information and their statuses and many of others different things. Now, I am going to talk to you mostly about the communication that everybody usually face behind the social. I am sure many of you are still doing it, to bring drama all over on the internet. Now when some of people, well actually almost everybody would send an instant message to certain people such as their friends, family and the people they despite, especially their own “enemies”. Everybody’s has completely different attitudes, one for the internet and one for the reality such as outside of the internet. As I witnessed recently and was disappointed that it continues, it’s actually that sad. But everyone would send them instant message, personal message or e-mail and other forms of communicate with other person and threaten other people with violently words such as stating that they are going to kick their butts and that’s really the reason why everybody do that way, is because they KNOW they are safe behind the monitor and cannot be touched by other people that they were threatening to. This is the fact and the main reason why people are comfortable to threat with their words to other people, because they know they can’t just magically touch through their monitor to harm the ones who gave a threat. But, you got to know this that what you tell other people will come to reality, the person you threatened will approach in front of you and then you will have a different of feeling such as fear than you were behind the monitor. So, since the drama. That is why everybody should realize this, because when you tell them that you’re going to kick their butts for some reason or even for no reason will bite you in the rear once you ended up seeing the person that you threatened, I promise you that. Everybody needs to wake up and realize that, because, really that’s going to make you look like a fool in future. And beside, everybody don’t need to threat anybody, because that’s never really going to solve a thing. Only way to solve it, is actually in communication and you know it but don’t want to admit that. Now, onto different subject behind the social media and social networking, you also have to realize that what you put on the internet is will forever be seen to everybody including your location, phone number and all personal information. I mean, have you ever got a telemarketer calling you to try to sell you something? 50% chance, is that they got your personal information from the internet including FaceBook, MySpace and among of others. So, in order for that to stop is not to put anything on your account that you don’t want anybody to know. Which this is the reason why I only provide the post office mailing address, is so nobody can know where I live and can still send mails to me especially the fanmail that I got every now and then. And other thing, as recently they have added new technology that automatically find where your picture was taken, that is called GEOTAGGING. Most of new technology such as new cameras, cell phones and among of other devices will grab your location information and provide it on the internet. For example, you take a picture of your house with your cell phone and then upload it to Twitter, FaceBook or any social networking websites that you are registered on will display your location. In fact, even if your devices doesn’t have geotagging that does not means it is safe. Because, anybody can figure out where your picture was taken at by just looking in the background so be careful when you decide to take pictures, if inside the house that isn’t still safe but it’s better than taking picture outside. Now onto different subject again, what you post in your statuses, blogs, and different of information that you like to share with other people means it will be shared with everybody including over trillion of people on the internet. And the worse of it, that you can be found on the internet by your work and it can get you fired, or kicked out of college and many of other things because that actually did happen to a lot of people and the news about that is flying all over in the news world. In fact, you can even get sued for saying certain of things on FaceBook and others especially from a jury who helps the judge in some courts would rant about the defendant and others on the internet and this will bring a big attention to anybody including law, police, even judges and then you’re in trouble. That’s pretty much one of few reasons why people started building social networking websites so that they can provide to law, and others with the information about you. Yes, it’s fun to use FaceBook, Twitter and others and that’s why they developed these social networking website, probably that’s their main reason building it for everybody but definitely second reason is for the law. So they can be feel proud to provide the information of you to the law so they can feel heroes. Nothing on the internet is ever private, this I assure you and even including your credit card and others. And there’s many of things I could tell you more behind the social networking and media but I am too exhausted to write further and you can always research more about how dangerous it is to use the internet and be sure to inform your children and everybody that you know too.

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