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Category: Films and Shows

Complaints Of The Day (7/19/’16)

Who doesn’t complain these days? I think it is safe to say that every one of us at least complain about one thing each day, because if you don’t have anything to complain about each day then either that you aren’t alive or that you are a king or queen who have everybody does everything perfect for you every day and every night. We always have something to complain everyday, whether it be because you are coming home from work being very exhausted, you are being in pain, you are not getting what you need, you have discovered that your favorite television shows isn’t going to be renewed for the next season or something so you always have to complain about something everyday. The less complaints you have then it means that you have a great life who have everything, owns several things, are a millionaire or billionaire and visa versa although even these millionaire(s) or billionaire(s) do have something to complain daily too including the president, prime minister, king and queen of a nation. So I am going to list my complaints of the day here, I have thought of blogging my daily complaints but that would be too much because my schedules is crazy busy but I might do my “complaints of the day” here and there especially…

Tidbits (2/8/2016).

Forgive me as I haven’t written a tidbits article in a very long time as it seems and the reason for that is because either that I have been very busy due to my hectic schedules or don’t have enough of topics for it to be a tidbits article. As some of you know that tidbits article has more than one topic which that tends to make it a long article for the readers to read and to my knowledge there are many readers here at likes tidbits because it involves more than just one topic which can get boring sometimes as tidbits article has more than one topic so that means something more to read for the readers. Every now and then I like reading long articles but that depends on what it’s about, if it’s tidbits article then that is the kind of long reading article that I like but if just one topic but a very long article to read can be boring sometimes unless the bloggers know how to keep the readers interested without allow the long article of only one topic to become boring. In case if you never have or don’t know what tidbits article are I suggest you to head over on at the top above here to look for a search…

Should I get Hulu?!

As of lately I have watched several television shows on Netflix such as The Walking Dead, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practices, House M.D., Gotham, Arrow, S.H.I.E.L.D and few of other popular name of shows which they are the television shows that I pretty much watch on daily basis through Netflix streaming video on mostly my huge 4K smart television on the wall. While I have the appreciation for Netflix to give me something to watch that I wasn’t able to watch through standard cable due to difference in my schedules because every time one of my favorite television shows comes on I am never available or have any free time to just sit back and watch them but I have a bit of problem with Netflix which is that Netflix only carry a year old season of every new television shows like The Walking Dead, Gotham, Arrow, S.H.I.E.L.D. and others. Some of you know that I am probably one of some person who is very impatient and never liked to wait for something before I could get which in this case to be able to watch a new episode after it have been aired through the standard cable. Lately I am running out of episodes for several television shows that I am a big fan of such as The Walking Dead…

Tidbits 9-25-2015.

Hey guys! I know I haven’t blogged in a very long time because I have been very busy lately as I have mentioned in previous post on here that I have a strong feeling that the things would be getting a bit busier for me especially in the summer and that feeling I had was right. I apologize if I had some of you waiting on for a new blog post from me because I have realized recently that I didn’t blogged anything in almost a month although that isn’t a record-breaking because I wasn’t able to blog for almost three or four months before due to for some reasons that I forgot what it was and sometimes I even surprise myself for not being able to blog anything for that long period of time because to some people I am known for being a very impatient person so in that case I can understand some of you might be impatiently waiting for a new blog from me or especially at least another new tidbits article. Now for that I am giving you a fix because I am writing another tidbits article just for all of you fans who like reading some tidbit articles here so here it is and for those of you new readers if you don’t understand…

Tidbits 7-19-15.

Looks like I have a few numbers of subjects to discuss about, I would like to remind everyone who is fans of my blog that tidbit articles are usually a very long article for reading because the definition of the tidbit is everything else in one so that means different subjects instead of writing an article of just one subject which can be a bit boring to some of the people as it seems because several people have sent me emails saying that they prefer something long to read as it keeps them busy as long as some of the subjects would be interesting to some of the people who like to reads blogs or some news outlet. Personally I believe that tidbit articles are perfect for JoshiesWorld because when I founded the website with the intentions of a whole different categories because some of the bloggers would only blog under one category or niche as they says that it makes it more successful than to blog on different categories but while I have nothing against any bloggers who only interested in blog in one category or niche although myself I sees that when bloggers include several categories instead of just one category often succeed at blogging because. For example if there is one category or niche, let’s say food…

Bit of everything – Tidbits 7.

First of all I know I have not written a post here at the blog for lord knows how long, roughly two or three months if I guess it right as I really have not track how long it has been since the last article I written here at JoshiesWorld. So the utter most thing I want to say before I go on to write something, I would like to say that I apologize for keeping all of you in dark for a long time and the reasons for that is I have been extremely busy especially the past month as I was rushed to the hospital to the emergency room only to find out that I was scheduled to have a surgery in the very next day so they had admitted me to a room at the hospital for a night so to have a surgery in the morning. Technically they admits me for more than a night supposedly but I was only willing to stay for a night as I almost refuse to so because the hospital is one of things that I dislike the most so you can imagine my dislike of being admitted to a room at the hospital because I dislike staying at the hospital overnight even more than my dislike for visiting the hospital.…

Some TV shows.

Lately I have watched some television shows and some of the movies on Netflix, actually I rely on Netflix for something to watch more than cable and I guess in some way I am somewhat addicted to Netflix but good thing I know is that I am not the only one who is addicted to Netflix. Anyway on Netflix there are few out of hundreds or thousands whichever it is that Netflix says, good titles ranging old to new and most lately it seems that I have chosen a lot of old titles of television shows or movies the most such as Airwolf, Macgyver, P.I. Magnum, Knight Rider, Quantum Leap and few more. Few of them brings back an old memory for me because some of these television shows I used to watch and grew watching from my childhood especially Knight Rider or Macgyver which is considered iconic in my opinion. If some of you who is same age as I am or older you would know how awesome these television shows were back in the days, I have no clue how come that no channel networks reruns them on television and some of television shows I listed would be a lot better than the reruns they have aired on televisions such as Buffy The Slayer, Fresh Prince of Bel…

Grown ups

Now I am about to watch the movie titled Grown ups that has Adam Sandlers and Kevin James. Hopefully that it will worth my time to watch the movie, I haven’t watch it yet as I just bought the DVD recently to my collection of many dvds. I am hoping that it’s going to be hilarious, because most of the movies with him and especially Kevin James in it is always hilarious but is Grown Ups hilarious, though? I don’t know, I am sure I will be giving my opinion about it after I watched it and hopefully that it’s going to worth my time for giving a feedback and hope that it’s a positive feedback. I am a big films crazy. I have been watched thousands and thousands of movies through out the screening, VHS and DVD. They became sort of like my hobby thing, is to watch as many as movies I can, I guess haha. Well, let me get in the position and be ready to watch the movie now and I am sure you’re going to be hearing my opinion about the movie afterward. Now, to make this post more useful rather than somewhat pointless. You tell me what you think about this movie, is it good or is it suck? And also which is your…

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