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Month: August 2016

The Society of Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Seriously most of you guys got it made easy, most of you have privileges whether it be from your generations, your backgrounds and the record that you have done all of your lives. Now as for Deaf or Hard of Hearing people and you both have same privileges that you use at your advantage of getting something such as a job, Deaf or Hard of Hearing will have to double the efforts trying to be hired by somebody or at somewhere while the hearing person doesn’t; It’s almost guaranteed that the hearing person would be hired in a heartbeat while the Deaf or Hard of Hearing people wouldn’t even get a chance for an interview. That’s how the society is, if the hearing person has one associate degree while the Deaf or Hard of Hearing have two PhD, three masters, two bachelor degrees, the company or someone would immediately hire the one with an associate degree over the person who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing that has several degrees including PhD, Bachelor and masters they still would prefer to hire that one hearing person who have associate degree while not bothering to give the person who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing with very higher education along with rich knowledge or skills in a position that they were looking…

Freedom Of Speech.

Every Americans have the rights to freedom of speech, that has been a problem with social media lately because everyone is trying to enforce other people to vote their preferred presidential candidates or shoot down their opinions on each presidential candidates just because they thinks that their opinions is the only matters when they aren’t even come close to true as everyone’s opinion do matters. I can understand that when it comes to anyone talking about presidential candidates for the President Of The United States next year when Barrack Obama packs his things and leaves the office for good due to law that no president of the united states can run more than two terms of presidency which is four years per term. What bothers me more than anything is that I get to see a lot of adults not allowing young people such as teenagers even if they aren’t old enough to vote but they have the right to freedom of speech and do so you but the problem is that you abuse that by trying to make it known that your opinion is more matter than any other opinions which is a foolish thing to do. Understandably the election is obviously, sensitive thing to talk about as politics become almost sensitive as discussing about religious and that isn’t… Accessibility

For a few days now I have searched for a way to make more accessible for the sighted people who is colored blind, need some contrast to be able to read the blog better and for the people who need the letters to be bigger so to make it easier for everybody to read. In few days of my research on how to figure a way to give some accessibility to sighted people, I came across that the important thing is having the ability to enlarge the letters, change the contrast which turns bright parts of the website into dark and grayscale for the people who is color blind. I want to make sure that I don’t leave anyone out, as for one that I am Hard of Hearing myself so I know how difficult it is to have access to certain things such as American Sign Language interpreters or Video Relay Service (VRS) so Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Blind have something in common. Nevertheless I added new features for that will, hopefully, helps some of you readers to have some accessibility for reading as you can zooms the writing into bigger words, turn the entire website’s colors to assist the color-blinded people and the grayscale as well. You can find the feature easily, by looking…

Happy 9th Birthday To JoshiesWorld!

Today marks the 9th anniversary since JoshiesWorld brand was born, back at that time I had intended that JoshiesWorld would be only just a small information website about me but I felt that it wasn’t fitting for the name of JoshiesWorld because hence it’s my world so I came up with an idea that I’d start a blog then from there I became a blogger/journalist. Joshie is a nickname of mine, adding the world is my world and the outcome of that is I share everything that’s going on in my eyes or my thoughts with you guys while writing some breaking news before they became the breaking news as I have written a couple or three breaking news from the year of 2007 to this day. JoshiesWorld was born on August 8th, 2007 and since then it have become my baby. Even though my name is involved but it is you all who helps it grows larger and larger daily so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that as you guys have read each articles I have written on here. For some of these who don’t know, JoshiesWorld went crashing down back in 2010 after three years blogging and I decided that it was too much so I gave it a rest for a few…

Pokemon Festival in Williamson, Wv.

There is news by none other than Williamson Daily News have announced that the city of Williamson with the approval of the Mayor Calton will be throwing a festival on August, 20th Saturday from 6PM to 10:30PM calling it “Williamson Poke Fest 2016” for everyone who loves playing Pokemon Go game app on iOS or Android devices and that in the city of Williamson will be themed with Pokemon. Tonya Webb brought up the proposal with the idea of Pokemon theme to the mayor of the city Williamson in West Virginia along with the convention and Visitors Bureau so they then came up with the name for the festival calling it “Williamson Poke Fest 2016” which is a good slogan. Everybody is on board with that idea including the resides of Williamson, Wv along with the officials to have Williamson Poke Fest 2016 in Williamson town themed none other than Pokemon because since the launch of Pokemon Go game app several people have come to Williamson town daily just to play Pokemon Go because there is five designated PokeStops where anyone goes to get free items for every five minutes such as Pokemon balls, eggs and more. As for the festival, there will not only be just the people playing the Pokemon Go app to hunt some awesome Pokemon as…

Tidbits 8/5/2016

I bet that some of you misses my tidbits article right?! I know some of you do and I sometimes do miss writing some tidbits article because they allows me to discuss or share my opinions on more than one topics and not just one topic alone which can be very boring on some days but nonetheless I have decided that I have kept all of you waiting for too long for a new tidbits article so here it is once again. First before I get into it, I want to apologize for having all of you waiting forever for a new tidbits article from me and a few reasons that I haven’t written a tidbits article for a very while. I have been very busy with many things such as the fact that it is summer so many of you know that summer usually is when everybody goes out doing some activities and enjoy their summer around with their family or friends somewhere on vacations as most usually do but for me I have been almost too busy to do anything that I would like or usually do. From the beginning of the summer I started seeing an ex of mine whom I loved for several years since we both were pre-teenagers which that means younger than the age…

FaceBook Page Has Makeover!

Have you seen the new Facebook page yet? If not then you should go and check out some of the pages on Facebook because they have been completely redesigned. I think that the new redesign of pages on Facebook is better and less of clutters than the ones they had before because the ones they had before were somewhat too plain while being cluttered at the same time. I am digging the new Facebook page since I have a few, especially one for JoshiesWorld which you are more than welcome to check out and like the page! So at the same time that will give you an idea of what the new FaceBook page looks like. You can click here to visit the JoshiesWorld’s Facebook page. If you have a page of your own on Facebook then you should have the new redesigned page on Facebook as well and if you do then please feel free to leave a comment below to let me know what you think of the new Facebook page! Here is the screenshot of the new Facebook page that they have rolled out yesterday. What a new design Facebook have done to their pages right?! I thought so too and I hope that the new Facebook page will be easier for fans, viewers, readers, bloggers, vloggers,…

YouTubers Are Audism?!

Who doesn’t use YouTube in their daily lives to watch some latest videos of their favorite YouTubers and watch some old videos on YouTube that they have watched them before or they are YouTubers who have their own channels that they uploads videos on regular basis to earn money?! I don’t know anyone who doesn’t use YouTube whether that they are just using YouTube to watch some videos or some have their own YouTube channels that they upload videos on regular basis to earn some money if they are partnered YouTubers. YouTube have over a billion users with mix of watchers and YouTubers, everyday users watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views which is unbelievable. So that gives you an idea of how many people who watches videos on YouTube uploaded by YouTubers and these top ten YouTubers who generates millions of views each day, each videos they have uploaded to YouTube which earns them millions to billions annually. I am myself partnered YouTuber but I am not even close to being the top ten YouTubers, I am practically the bottom partnered YouTubers and a few reasons for that but I will talk about that later. Now what they don’t realize is that these over a billion users or millions viewers that the top…

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