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Month: June 2015

Club for ATV, SXS and Dirt Bike.

On memorial day I have decided to found a club for all the people love to go trails riding with their toys such as ATV, SXS (Side By Side) and dirt bikes. For some weeks I have been in discussion with only very a few of the people about a name for the club until I came to the name that I thought it would be a good name for the club especially trying to come up with the name of the club that would be meaningful and suits all of riders because in the beginning of going over the name for the club all of riders were in mind. Finally I have come up with the name of the club which I have announced when I made an announcement over on social media that I have founded a club for all the riders because in this area and several miles radius has no club for the trails riders. By areas I mean both Pike County in Kentucky and Mingo County in West Virginia specifically but there are more than both of these counties though. When I came up with the name for the club, since I am web developer I decided to secretly started building a club website for whoever would like to join the club and on the…

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