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Tag: Xbox 360

Game consoles and games.

There have been many of game consoles for many of the years especially when the first game console that was launched the Magnavox Odyssey which I am sure that anyone either hardly heard of that game console or never heard of the name for a game console but it was the first game console in exactly 1972 which is practically what started it all for game consoles industries. Because if it wasn’t for Magnavox Odyssey then there may not be some of great game consoles that everyone loves exists today because usually when there something first that was invented then there bounds to be competitors to compete against others especially like the second game console that compete Magnavox Odyssey were one of everyone’s favorite game console, the Atari 2600 which was launched in 1976 to compete against Magnavox Odyssey and that brings even more competitors to compete against Magnavox and Atari so from that the market for game consoles were blooming and a lot of people sees these two game consoles especially the Atari is the money-maker so everyone else jumps in and make their own game consoles and then games for their game consoles. The game consoles and games sparked. Ever since the Atari and Magnavox Odyssey launched in the market and both of them begins to compete against…

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

Last month on the release date for a game called “Call of Duty: Black ops 2”, a second series addition to Call of Duty: Black ops. I have purchased myself Call of Duty: Black ops 2 limited edition and has been playing few of times here and there, especially in both story and multiplayers online. The story mode in Black Ops 2 is surprisingly amazing and it gives you more controls of what you do in it unlike the earlier series of Call of Duty games and their graphic is amazing also. I can honestly say that I like it and do recommend the game especially for Xbox 360 but if you are PS3 or even WII fan then you should get the game for that specific console. Although I have to say there’s one or maybe two downside to that new game though. While that the story mode is fantastic, I have nothing negative to say about that specifically however, I do have something to say about multiplayers which I should warn every one of you that has NOT yet to get black ops 2 and is planning on to purchase it. Now in multiplayers online, in classes where you get to assign weapons and other things such as perks and claymore and such – is really limited. For…

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