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Tag: Unprofessional

National Association of the Deaf: It’s Time!

I know that I have written a couple or three about the organization, National Association of the Deaf (NAD) but I have not written anything about National Association of the Deaf for a few months and I believe that I must write another one as this is important that I talk about National Association of the Deaf a bit. Before I get into it, I want to share a bit information about the organization calls National Association of the Deaf or NAD for short with some of you guys and mix history with it a little. National Association of the Deaf is a civil rights and human rights organization just like some of other organizations such as National Rifle Association that represents for the people who owns guns for hunting or for protection. National Association of the Deaf represents for the Deaf community, people who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. I am Deaf myself, I am one of over a million Deaf people here in the United States who happens to be oppressed and discriminated daily so National Association of the Deaf is there to make sure that the Deaf community have the same rights as everybody else. That sounds all good doesn’t it? That we have an organization who protect our rights as Deaf American and making sure…

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