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Tag: Law Enforcement

People’s Perception of Deaf People

I would like to remind many of you with a disclaimer for this that this is my view, my thought and my perception of what I see out of the people’s perception on the Deaf people because every Deaf and Hard of Hearing have different experiences, therefore, they can share what it is to be under the microscope of the people who we labeled “hearies”. I am only sharing what I have witnessed on hand from what the hearies people have a perception of the Deaf people and Hard of Hearing including myself as I am one of many Deaf people in the world. So, I encourage the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to share their thoughts on what it is like to get an idea of how the hearies people view them as or of. Now that we get this out, as I have said that this is my view for getting the idea of what the hearies have a perception of us Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. It is no secret that the Deaf people don’t have it easy, in fact, they must work as twice hard to survive whether it be trying to get a job from somewhere and being oppressed by many of people for several decades. I have seen, I am certain that many…

Police Doesn’t Protect Deaf, Instead Harms Deaf

You would think that the law enforcement are hard on the colored people, abuse their power against them and did several police brutality on them but what many people does not realize is that they are not the only one. Law Enforcement gives Deaf and Hard of Hearing people a very hard time as there are several stories about their experiences when they had confrontation with the police. One of several experiences, there were a Deaf woman who called police for immediate help because she was being beaten by her boyfriend or husband so once the police arrived at their residence and the Deaf woman were approached by the police where she would be supposedly to explain the situation about her husband or her boyfriend beat her to the plum but instead the police never took the time to hear her explanation so they tasered her then body slams her to the ground with their knees on the back of her body and cuffed her then books her to the jail while the husband or boyfriend who can hear were scoot-free. So imagine the horror as if you were in her shoes, the police never even questioned that man or even to let the woman to tell them what was going on or the reason for their call to the…

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