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Tag: Donor

Donation and Gifts

So as we know that a few websites or blogs who have a donation button or gifts wish list service such as Amazon where they can list things that they would like to have and anybody can send them a gift by buying something from their wish list. A service such as Amazon, it is already set up where you would pick anything from their wish list that they would like to have then pay for them and Amazon will ship these things that you bought from their wish list to them without revealing their shipping address or your shipping address as well along with any sensitive information such as billing information so it’s a great feature that Amazon has to offer for anyone who would like to make a wish list for somebody else to buy them as a gift to them. Now not many but some websites and bloggers puts the donation button where you can donate any funds that you wish to them through PayPal, PayPal is secured as well like Amazon as they never share any sensitive information to anybody that you send a donation or gift to them as they only show your name to let them know who the donation or gift were coming from although I believe that they have anonymous option but…

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