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Tag: Beta Test

iOS 10 Is The Best iOS Yet!

I have recently updated my iPhone 6S plus, my mother’s iPhone 6S plus, my step father’s iPhone 6 and my old iPhone 5S from iOS 9.3.3 to iOS 10. When I updated these iPhone devices to iOS 10 I was in awe, because Apple finally will be giving us the software that we have looked forever or wished that there were certain features or a different ways that our iPhone can offer and how did I update to iOS 10 when I said that Apple finally will be giving us the iOS 10 for all of our Apple mobile devices? Because iOS 10 is not out yet but as always Apple offers early releases for anyone who want to beta test which that means the iOS 10 is in public beta phase, while that it is being beta phase the iOS 10 public beta is not perfect and finalized as it is what the beta is all about so that we can test for them as new features they adds. For example iOS 10 Public Beta 1 comes with let’s say, 30 new features then we test these features so that if we ever find anything wrong with these features or find any errors in iOS 10 then we report them for them so that they can correct the errors…

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