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Tag: Story

The 23andMe Experience And Finding A Family

A few businesses out there let us discover the family members we might need to be aware of; two of the most popular companies are Ancestry (also AncestryDNA) and 23andMe. They focus on finding our roots in our DNA, where our ancestry originated, what ethnicities we have, and getting help with our family tree. They would suggest or hint that someone might be my relative, so they added them to my family tree to let me know how they relate to me. Both of them have a tool that helps us find out where our ancestry root is and what we are in term of ethnicity. That tool I am talking about is that they would ship us a tube for us to take a spit in and then ship them back to them for them to do research in our DNAs to pinpoint what we are. Also, do we have family members we might not know? I went for both. I used 23andMe to find what I am, and then they will try to match my DNA with other family members I might not know. They would send a long list of different person names and compare my DNA with theirs, such as the percentage of the chance that we are related. I used Ancestry (they are also AncestryDNA)…

Deaf Politician Has His Social Security Information Leaked

Some of you may know or may not know who Chris Haulmark is, before I go into it, I would like to share the introduction of who he is because this is important. Chris Haulmark was running for the district third (3rd) Congress in Kansas in the last election (2018 election) as a Democrat and then his advisors along with his citizens suggested that he run as a representative first so that he can get a taste of how the state government works so that way he can be better prepared to become a senator in the next election or two if his citizens think he did a good job as the house of representative in the state of Kansas. He took that advice, changed from third (3rd) district congressional to fifteen (15th) district representative for the state of Kansas and down the road in the election he won the Democratic nomination. Since then, he did a lot of doors knocking and making a vlog in American Sign Language (ASL) a day for 365 days campaigning on Chris Haulmark’s official campaign Facebook page. I even wrote a piece about him in one of my articles in the year 2017 when he was running for the Congress before making the decision to switch the position from Congress to a representative in…

A Boy Mocked ASL In School And Got Slammed!

There are only a few people, more so students at that time have witnessed this including my best friend Robert Wolfe and among few of others that were close to us know about what had happened in the lunch room in 2005 at Belfry High School. One day in early afternoon at Belfry High School, I was a senior student, one of two Deaf students who attended a public school but before that during my freshman year and sophomore year I was the only Deaf student that attended Belfry High School then when I go back to school after summer a Deaf girl named Cameo were transferred to Belfry High School as a sophomore from Ohio while I became a junior. As one of two Deaf student, it was a bit tough especially trying to mingle with the crowd, but I was fortunate to have a few friends who learned to be fluent in American Sign Language since a few of us became friends from the freshman year. Fast-forward to the senior year in 2005, in early afternoon at Belfry High School and it was time for a lunch but my math teacher allowed me to go to the lunch room a few minutes earlier before my lunch so that I could see my best friend because there were 3…

YouTubers Are Audism?!

Who doesn’t use YouTube in their daily lives to watch some latest videos of their favorite YouTubers and watch some old videos on YouTube that they have watched them before or they are YouTubers who have their own channels that they uploads videos on regular basis to earn money?! I don’t know anyone who doesn’t use YouTube whether that they are just using YouTube to watch some videos or some have their own YouTube channels that they upload videos on regular basis to earn some money if they are partnered YouTubers. YouTube have over a billion users with mix of watchers and YouTubers, everyday users watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views which is unbelievable. So that gives you an idea of how many people who watches videos on YouTube uploaded by YouTubers and these top ten YouTubers who generates millions of views each day, each videos they have uploaded to YouTube which earns them millions to billions annually. I am myself partnered YouTuber but I am not even close to being the top ten YouTubers, I am practically the bottom partnered YouTubers and a few reasons for that but I will talk about that later. Now what they don’t realize is that these over a billion users or millions viewers that the top…

Dreams and the reality.

Hello guys! I hope that everything is going well over there with every one of you, as always before I begin to write an article about something or on something I want to make sure to reach out to every one of you all first because before I said that I like to or always try to stay connected to all of friends that happens to be loyal readers here at JoshiesWorld. Now over here I have both good and bad days which is normal of course for everyone but I have struggled a lot lately and it is getting harder for me everyday because all I have done daily is trying to prep up something to write about or on even if I ever find something that is interesting or heard something that is interesting enough for me to write an article about something or on something which is getting more rare because lately I have noticed that many of sources are starting to lack of gathering information or going after some of information that the newspaper or magazines companies needed so they can have something to deliver to their viewers although I don’t have my own sources which I am trying to find a group source where can help me to go after the information I need or…

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