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Tag: Schools

The ASL App For You!

Many of you or some of you know that Deaf individuals natural language would be American Sign Language, for short ASL which is a language that the people who is Deaf and Hard of Hearing use as their communication tool to communicate. Commonly Deaf people use American Sign Language to communicate with each others but they have attempted to communicate with the people who’s able or they call them “hearies” in American Sign Language and majorly they failed to understand that language because they never learned American Sign Language which mainstream schools is the one to blame for because most of them don’t offer American Sign Language as one of their languages class. Several mainstream or public schools are offering at least language for the students to take, mostly either Spanish or French but not American Sign Language and what they don’t realize is that American Sign Language is more used than French but as important as Spanish though since in United States there is no official languages but three most used languages would be English, Spanish and American Sign Language equally. In 2012 United States Census populations for the people who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing is nearly forty (40) millions, 38,225,590 to be exact who lives in the United States who happens to be Deaf or Hard…

Tidbits 7-19-15.

Looks like I have a few numbers of subjects to discuss about, I would like to remind everyone who is fans of my blog that tidbit articles are usually a very long article for reading because the definition of the tidbit is everything else in one so that means different subjects instead of writing an article of just one subject which can be a bit boring to some of the people as it seems because several people have sent me emails saying that they prefer something long to read as it keeps them busy as long as some of the subjects would be interesting to some of the people who like to reads blogs or some news outlet. Personally I believe that tidbit articles are perfect for JoshiesWorld because when I founded the website with the intentions of a whole different categories because some of the bloggers would only blog under one category or niche as they says that it makes it more successful than to blog on different categories but while I have nothing against any bloggers who only interested in blog in one category or niche although myself I sees that when bloggers include several categories instead of just one category often succeed at blogging because. For example if there is one category or niche, let’s say food…

Education is it that important?

Hey guys, how are every one of you doing? Doing anything that’s fun lately have you? I am doing just fine, just very busy lately and sometimes it’s no fun when it comes being busy although there are some fun in being busy depending on what you are doing that makes you busy but busy isn’t always fun. I have done a lot of searching lately while at same time trying to reach out for some help through social media because I need some of the ideas to write about something or on something but I have nothing and I am assuming that everybody else couldn’t come up with some of the ideas for me to write about something or on something for today’s article or they didn’t see my help message through social media asking for some help. It’s getting harder to come up with something to write an article about something or on something that it’s not even funny anymore because it’s very stressful for me and I have thought lately that it is possible that I will be taking a bit break of blogging for at least a week at the most so to see if that helps me to come up with some of the ideas to write about in the next article unless any one…

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