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Tag: Reporter

Blogging Tidbits

Most of us bloggers who have a passion in blogging or journalism always seeks a way to improve ourselves as a blogger, because there is always a way to improve our blogging skills and looking a way to build our creditable because whether it be as bloggers or in any forms of journalism such as reporting or editing newspaper it is very important that we have a creditable to back ourselves otherwise it would be hard to gain some trust from readers. Some of the people don’t think bloggers have a place in journalism, as the journalists that works in newspapers blamed us bloggers for wrecking their journalists career because since the early 2000s the blogosphere boomed and being able to deliver information quicker than newspaper would be so many newspapers lost their readers to us which this means they realized that so they decided to start their own blogs (some of them call it online newspaper but it’s blog even though they will deny that) and laid off old-fashioned newspaper editors or their employees that takes care of printing newspapers using linotype machine which is what used to produce newspapers after editors wrote a draft then passed it down to linotypers. I will be one of few to say that, unfortunately the growth of blogs did caused the newspapers…

Tidbits 8, 7/1/2015.

Hey guys how are every one of you doing? I hope that every one of you are doing well and for myself I am doing well so thank you all for asking whether you were going to ask me or not but I ought to go ahead to say that I am doing well in case if some of you do wonder. For the first time I have decided to write an tidbits article in a very long time, this makes it the 8th of tidbits article I am writing and if you don’t know what tidbits are then I would suggest that you type “tidbits” in the search box at the top of the website where it will take you to a few of tidbits articles as there are a couple of them has the description of what is tidbits. In case if some of you are lazy to do so then I will just might as well to explain the basic of what is tidbits here so tidbits is where I write a few different of subjects in one article instead of the alone of subject in an article and in tidbits has different subjects or topics that are being discussed by me with either my opinions or facts depending the subjects or topics I am writing. I…

Bloggers, writers and reporters network.

As for me I have been blogger for almost eight (8) years now, in August on the 7th of 2007 was when I became a blogger so in two months I will officially have eight (8) years of blogging experience under my belt which is a bit unbelievable because it seems that the time has gone to way fast for me but that is that and when I became blogger for the first time was on same day that I bought founded JoshiesWorld to make it my branding. So the age of the JoshiesWorld shows how many years I have blogged as I never have blogged anywhere else, not even on any blogging platforms/services or such and the first time I actually made a blog post was right here on the JoshiesWorld but sadly the blog post that I written for the first time does not exists anymore because back then with a few of my articles was automatically erased when JoshiesWorld website became a huge mess of errors which I couldn’t bring them back because at that time I just started learning how to building websites so at that time I didn’t know how to work out the errors but luckily I am now experienced web developer as I attended to classes at Westwood college so any errors prompts…

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