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Tag: NeRD

The Navy is getting NeRD!

While every day we enjoy playing or surfing with our smartphones and tablets such as Iphone, Ipad and Ipod and as well some of Android smartphones and tablets to watch some movies, to read some books, surf the internet or to play games and we love using them. Most of people now owns these devices and use them daily but Navy in United States soldiers are not allowed to have tablets or such on their fleet in submarine due to their restrictions and we know when they are out on the submarine somewhere in the middle of ocean, they don’t have much entertainment that we do except some of them have DVD player that all of soldiers watch some movies on the fleet and DVD is starting to get old and so is paperback for reading and same goes with CD because almost everyone is turning to digital especially myself and everyone that I know except very few people who I know prefer old fashion things and I do too but only few things that’s old fashion such as VHS and cassette which I am almost sure that a lot of people doesn’t even know what they are especially the young people. Soldiers love to read some books, while due to restrictions they are not allowed to have devices to…

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