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Tag: Life

Happy Mother’s Day 2017

I would like to personally wish the most important person on this earth, my mother a very happy mother’s day and that I am very thankful for everything she has done for me past these thirty years since she has become a mother to an only child which is myself – a child that thinks the world of her and looks up to her since this child opened his eyes for the first time after birth.

My mom has never stops her persistence in taking care of me for over thirty years and two months to make sure that I have everything that I need especially the essentials. Such as the roof over me, air conditioning and heating to keep myself cool or warm during both summer and winter; clothes on my back and foods on the table for me to eat everyday. Taking me to my doctor appointments to make sure that I am taken care of, this includes having to take me to Cincinnati to a children hospital every 2-3 years until I become a teenager, never leaving the hospital every time that I had to be admitted such as when I had undergone one of the most major surgery I have had ever went through, my back from my neck to my tailbone and when I broke my femur in half in my right leg my mother drove me to the hospital herself because she wouldn’t want to waste another minute for the ambulance. I have never truly see any mothers that takes as this tremendous care and responsibility without any hesitation for a child as my mother do for me.

Tidbits 9-10-’16

Here we are again, by now I have no idea how many tidbits articles I have written as I have lost the counts although I do know that I have written more than ten tidbits by now and that is a decent numbers for tidbits articles considering that I have started writing the tidbits late in last year. Maybe if you look at the number, ten that it seems a very small number and somewhat it is but it is pretty a lot to me because I have written over three hundred articles on here. If I am to combine my other blogs or on a few local news media I have written over a thousand articles and that is exhausting. When it comes to blogging or write a piece, it somewhat mess with your head a bit because it tends to exhaust your thinking and gives you a bit of headache because for any bloggers who is passionate in blogging does more than just writing whatever that comes to their mind. Every day I have to keep up with news, check with some of the people everyday and the likes then do a research to make sure that whatever I am to share my opinion on certain topics is valid because I don’t want to not knowing the depth…

We Want To Be Deaf And Don’t Fix Us.

I am sure that you are shocked with the title of this article, saying that we want to be Deaf and that we don’t want to be fixed. What a lot of the people doesn’t understand that being Deaf or even Hard of Hearing is a culture but several people who is audism try their darndest best to hide that and force a society to see anyone who happens to be Deaf or Hard of Hearing is a bad thing. Several people think that whoever became Deaf or Hard of Hearing whether it be at birth or afterbirth means that there is something severely wrong with them, it is because like people who is audism or an anti-cultural organizations such as Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing made the society to view us like that over a few decades ago or more like since in the year of 1880 when International Congress on the Education of the Deaf aka ICED banned any students who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing from the use of sign language to communicate. Thankfully National Association of the Deaf aka NAD was founded to protest against it and fought so hard to get the law or policy in education to allow any students or anyone who happens to be Deaf…

Wish List For Achievements.

There are many of things that every one of us who would like to do something in our lives, to do something that we always would liked to or dreamed of having to achieved something that we can be credited for, a such example of achievements that we wish to do once we have reached our adulthood like buying a vehicle, house and a family which these three things are common in everybody’s wish list for achievements. Once you have achieved three essential things which are of course a vehicle, house and a family then that is where you can start dreaming of what you would like to do in your life such as maybe becoming business owner? Own a restaurant? Secure a job of your dream career? Becomes a humanitarian by giving the people who is less fortunate than you are? There are many of things that you can add to your wish list for achievements unless you have completed your wish list of achievements. The chance of completing the wish list for achievements varies as it depends on what you wish to do because some of them may be impossible to do such as becoming astronaut or similar because not many who can become a astronaut so it would be better if whatever it is that we have…

Happy Birthday Mother.

I would like to wish my mother a very happy birthday as it is her birthday today on the January 7th, 2016 and she is the only reason that I am still alive to this day. Surely because she formed my life since she made me along with the creation of God but still even if I was somehow born through synthetic or something she would still be the reason that I am alive to this day because without her, I wouldn’t having this life that I am living and breathing which is thanks all to her. There is nothing or nobody that is more important than my mother on this earth, she deserves all the happiness that there is to offer in this life and beyond because when she is happy then that makes me happy too by knowing that she is happy which that is all it matters to me. We both two are one, we depends on each others and relies on each others when it comes to everything so everything is connected with us each others. She is the most important in my life more than anything or anybody ever since I was born, she still is to this day and she always will be. The love I have for her is far beyond her imagination…

Disabled Life.

Hey guys, how are all of you have done lately? Hopefully nothing troubling. I have done good now and then because it cannot be well everyday so if you have ever said daily that you are doing well then you lied because in reality nobody can be well daily. It is just impossible to be well every single day, surely you can say that you are doing well now and then because then that would probably be true but again I can’t really speak for everybody here but I can speak for myself though. For twenty-eight years through my experiences trying to be well daily is tough and when admitting that you are not doing well on certain days would make things easier for you than lying by saying that on that some certain days that you are doing well. That is part of the life you have to deal with personally otherwise what is life? It can hit you hard sometimes and you are not alone in this one as there are millions of people who has some bad days too. But what is more harder to deal with in life? Having a disabled life, as in having to deal with several disabilities of yours everyday trying to make it through daily with patience. Some of the people would…

Hard Of Hearing In The Life.

First of all I would like to take a bit of the time to connect myself with all of you before I begin writing the article for today here as I usually like to engage with all of my friends or bloggers word “readers” before I write some articles. How are you all doing, everybody and what have you all have been up to lately? I hope that all of you haven’t gotten in trouble lately whether it is an accident or not accident and I hope that all of you are doing well especially in the wet areas. By wet areas I mean the areas where the rain or thunderstorms that are always there like here, if some of you lives in any dry areas then you are very lucky because down here it’s getting old quick because in this area it almost rains everyday along with the thunderstorms although regardless how aggravating it is to live in the area where there is always rain it has upside which is growing fruits, vegetables and crops healthy. The dry areas such as California downside would be that they are struggling with growing some plants whether it be vegetables or fruits, not only that also water to drink or to bathe in but I am sure that they will be alright…

Busy, busy and busy.

Hey guys! How are every one of you doing, any one of you been something that is very interesting or something to embarrass yourselves lately? I have been very busy lately, more busy than I thought I would be especially today because I had a lot of things to do today which was in the afternoon I had to go out to Belfry Middle School but it used to be Belfry High School which that is the school I graduated before it became a middle school after the Belfry High School found a new place and built an even bigger building. Had to go there to take some photographs done for my mother as she was looking for some pictures of the Belfry Middle School because that is where she works at and takes pride in herself working there as well since she has worked there for several years especially ever since I was in first or second grade in early 90s. After I finished taking some photographs of the building along with the landscape then came straight back home, I had to clean my DSLR and lens as well because I would always clean them now and then so to keep them in great condition and not to ruin the quality of the pictures especially keeping the lens clean…

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