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Tag: Alexander Graham Bell Association for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Deaf Awareness Month: September

I know that lately I have written a few articles that is Deaf and Hard of Hearing related but the reason is the Deaf Awareness Month were to due in the month September which is the current month now. The purpose for Deaf Awareness Month in September is to educate the people about the culture of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, people who is audism are trying so hard to destroy for several decades now. Even though the Deaf community may be a little but it has a strength in holding their place when it comes to anyone that is trying all their best to make sure everybody is not aware that the Deaf and Hard of Hearing has their culture as they want to frame them with the label disability. As I am part in the Deaf community, the battles with audism daily is tiresome and frustrating because one of many reasons is that we never gave the permission to anybody to make any decision for us especially on state or nation’s level. So many of the people thinks that anyone who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing means that there is something wrong with them, hence the label disability but what they don’t realize it is not disability when it is a culture and there is some…

AG Bell’s Response about Nyle DiMarco.

A few days ago recently, an anti-cultural organization have written a public response to the Washington’s Post in regards to a proudly Deaf gentleman Nyle DiMarco who succeeds in the television industry such as America’s Next Top Model and now on Dancing With the Stars; Nyle DiMarco’s statements about the importance in Deaf or Hard of Hearing children to learn American Sign Language at an early age. AG Bell founded by the same person who invented your telephone, Alexander Graham Bell who founded an organization (association) calls Alexander Graham Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing but in reality it is the organization who degrades the Deaf community for many decades along with many of other things that the organization have done to the Deaf community very harshly so for that it has become the public enemy in the eyes of Deaf community. AG Bell have issued a public response to Washington Post article as it is what AG Bell do their best which is oppress or degrade anybody who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing by saying that the statement Nyle DiMarco made which is “There are many deaf kids out there being deprived of their own language” is a myth and then started off lying by implying that American Sign Language is declining. It would be better off…

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