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Schedules: Changing the schedules.

If you recall that the other day I have mentioned that it is getting a bit harder trying to find some time to spare for me to write some articles for here at JoshiesWorld the other day, while at same time it is never my intention to break a promise I have made a several months ago that I would write an article for every two days but I realize that my schedule has changed a lot lately with new of things coming up especially trying to work on other new websites along with the outside of the internet and that is tightening my schedule where I can hardly have the time for anything even to be able to eat for dinner so that tells you how busy my schedule are now. That does mean I must change my method of blogging such as an article every two days schedule to a different method but the problem is that I have no clue what change I am going to have to do but in a few days I will figure out what kind of changes I am making and let every one of you know so that way you can expect to know when I am writing an article although I can definitely be safe to say that there will be a couple of articles weekly which you can expect that to happen but I just don’t know what days on the week I am scheduling to write an article because first I will have to see when is the perfect time in my schedule that I am able to write an article. As I do realize that I am sure some of you know or are expecting an article from me today because today is the end of two-days method in the schedule of mine but that is going to be an old schedule because that old schedule of mine had about almost 4-5 hours of free time at most daily but now with things happening so it changed my schedule in a lot way which limits me about 2-3 hours at most a day if I am even lucky so it is going to be a bit hard for me to try to be adjusted with.

Just because there may be a few of days that I might skips on writing an article does not mean that I am not thinking of you all or trying my best to write an article because believe me I have tried the possibly hardest I could for a while now but the things are getting a bit harder now for me especially news or source aren’t bringing in anything that it interests me enough to write an article to share my opinion or about something on which it takes me a couple of hours with non-stop researching for something to come up with to write an article but lately I am running out of some ideas what to write about or on sadly.

Even that JoshiesWorld is my personal website which it is meant for me sharing my thoughts or something that is going on in my world so at first I thought that it shouldn’t be hard because at the time when I started up the website I had plenty of ideas going around in my head to write some articles which I have written over two hundreds articles with all the ideas I had in my head at that time after launching but then where I have written almost all the ideas I had in my mind after launching makes me runs out of the ideas on what to write about quicker. This is exactly why I am looking to form a source group so to help me to bring the new ideas that I have never thought of or heard of which obviously that is one of the reason I made the page for anyone to submit their ideas because I created that out of a hope that there would be a lot of people start giving me some of the ideas on what to write about or on something but unfortunately either most of the ideas that they have gave me is already written about or they aren’t that interesting enough that I think would please all of you but I beg that all of you to keep sending me plenty of ideas that all of you think I should write about or on something by submitting your ideas here and I would appreciate that a lot more than you can imagine obviously as I have struggled lately with getting in some of the ideas that is interesting enough for me to write about or on something.

I recommend that if any one of you have Tumblr that you should follow me which can be found here at or better yet follow me at Twitter because I am the most active on Twitter than any of other websites besides here but here is my Twitter account (@JoshiesWorld) that you can follow me. I am sure that there may be some of the people who might not understand this but I hope that some of you understand my situation here because truly it is tough for me with the schedule I have now comparing to a few months ago schedules. Please keep in mind that there is no way that I am going to give up blogging because it is in my blood and it is my passion, only difference is that the way my schedule is it is limiting my time for anything that I want or like to do.

Well as tight my schedules are I have to wrap this up because I need to get going so I can do many of other tasks that I need to get done but before I go I would like to ask every one of you a favor if you don’t mind me asking? Please send me in some of the ideas that you think I should write about or on something so I can have some ideas to write the next article and you can go here to submit your ideas. I can’t promise you this but I can say that I am going to try my best to write an article tomorrow but that depends on if I can find anything or heard anything that is interesting enough for me to write about something or on something but I hope I will so I can finally get something to write about, thank you all so much for all of your time reading this article and more importantly I thank every one of you for being loyal and hopefully understanding. I hope that all of you have a great evening and all of you be safe wherever all of you are at or whatever it is that you are planning on to do for the day, stay awesome my friends!

  • Joshie.
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