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Presidential Candidates For 2016.

Presidential Candidates In 2016 USA FlagBefore I start writing my opinions about the presidential candidates for 2016 to be both president and vice president for the good ole’ United States of America I have a strong feeling that for all of us in the United States of America are going to get a bit mess. More ugly mess than we had for several decades since George W. H. Bush the 41st President for the United States of America because ever since George W. H. Bush took over the white house in Washington as a President for the United States of America there hadn’t been anything good for the people in the United States of America. Yes that our 42nd President of the United States of America Bill Clinton was actually a good President who did help our powerful country a little bit by cleaning up the messes that George W. H. Bush himself made in his presidency terms which at that time it was about the time that United States of America was starting to get back on its feet as Bill Clinton cleans up some of the messes that George W. H. Bush had left but then something that had happened that most of us never expected in maybe our lifetime was that there were another family members of Bush family declared his candidacy to become our 43rd President for United States of America and for some unknown reasons that the son of our 41st President for United States of America George W. H. Bush that almost killed United States of America won the election to becomes our 43rd President for here in the United States of America.

I cannot even fathom how I was shocked to find out that the people in the United States of America would vote the son of George W. H. Bush, George W. Bush to become our 43rd President for the United States of America and I just don’t know how not everybody have any common sense that he is the son of our 41st President for the United States of America that nearly killed United States of America? Our 42nd President for the United States of America Bill Clinton just got done with cleaning a very little of huge messes that George W. H. Bush had made here in the United States of America and of course making his son to become our 43rd President for the United States of America there are even three, four or more times messes that Bush family had done in white house administrations.

Then in 2009 we finally had a couple of good presidential candidates that declares to run for our President for the United States of America in 2009 and for once in all everyone finally had the common sense to vote the right president for the United States of America which in this case is our 44th President for the United States of America at the moment, Barrack Obama who happens to be also the first black President for the United States of America in history and I do agree that he made several mistakes but one thing I can proudly say that he did a heck a lot better than the Bush family considering that he pulled us out of nearly another great depression that the previous President George W. Bush done. If you did researches the entire time of Barrack Obama’s terms for President in United States of America you will find that Barrack Obama has the fewest vacations out of all previous Presidents especially George W. Bush as the son George Bush was the president that was basically on vacation the whole time while he was our president on both terms and that means Barrack Obama had works his rear off in white house administration for several years each days to try to put our country back on track. Now for the first time since Bill Clinton as our President our country, the good ole’ United States of America is finally starting to get back on the track in the right direction and guess who declared the candidacy to become our next President for the United States of America in 2016? Jeb Bush which is another family member of bush family that had nothing but constantly killing United States of America, Jeb Bush is the second son of George W. H. Bush that just nearly destroyed United States of America and young brother to George W. Bush who had nearly made our country a laughingstock by making even worse messes by adding the already mess that his father made in white house administrations. Now keep this in your mind, George W. H. Bush started a huge mess then Bill Clinton started cleaning up a bit of the mess but didn’t had any time to clean the entire mess due to the large amounts of mess that he left in white house administrations which slowly brings United States of America back on track but then the son George W. Bush became President of the United States of America who adds three or four times in amounts of mess that his father left which that nearly destroy our good ole’ country and now our current President of The United States of America Barrack Obama has struggles more than ever trying to clean the messes that both Bush left in white house administrations which is finally bringing our good ole’ country back on track slowly in the right direction at least.

Now of course the next Presidential candidates had to be another member of Bush family, Jeb Bush who declared to run for President of the United States of America now which I am more than certain that he will add more amounts to the mess that both previous Bush as Presidents made in white house administrations and I hope as heck that all of you who voted for both Bush that became President of the United States of America on both terms for both of Bush (Father George and Son George) learned lessons enough to NOT vote another members of Bush’s family which is Jeb Bush to become our 45th President of the United States of America. It’s irony that Bush declares the candidacy for President of the United States of America every other Presidents (I hope that I say it correctly), it is like if the United States of America are scripted because I mean how irony is that especially that every member of Bush’s family declares to run for presidency every other Presidents? I am somewhat dumbfounded with that. If you are going to tell me that Jeb Bush is different from the both Bush’s who was our Presidents, I will throw a water filled balloons at you because it is all talk obviously as anybody will say anything because they wants your votes but when they win the election then they will not act what they said they would exactly like what happened with the son George W. Bush who brainwashed everybody thinking that he could do better than his own father and in the end all of members in Bush family done nothing good. When I see that Jeb Bush is the front forerunner for presidential candidates in 2016, I did almost expected that he would be because some of you have no common sense at all by supporting him which that is how it makes him in the front forerunner Presidential candidates and I hope that when it is time to vote who to elect to be our President here in United States of America that you remembers how badly both President Bush’s had done to us or this country. If most of you are planning on to elect Jeb Bush to be our President of the United States of America in 2016 then did nothing good in white house administrations I will personally tell you “I told you so” and hope at same time that it’s not so bad that the next President after Jeb Bush be able to bring United States of America back on track slowly once again.

Before you go telling people that I hate Bush’s family, I don’t and never did but I will say I don’t like how they do in politics which that means it has nothing to do with them personally but only how they do in politics. Now the rest of presidential candidates aren’t really good at the moment because almost everyone who declares that they are running for presidency are a bit of confusing I must say although I am almost surprised to see that Hilary Clinton declared candidacy for President which is wife of Bill Clinton who was our 42nd President of the United States of America that who succeed at presidency. Although I truly don’t know how Hilary Clinton will do or be as President for the United States of America but I would still feel safe because she will be backed up by a former President who succeed, I just cannot trust Jeb Bush to become President because he will be backed up both failed former Presidents which is even worse so I have the common sense to pick Hilary Clinton over Jeb Bush but I am not voting Hilary Clinton and I am undecided on who I am to vote for to be United States of America President in 2016 so at this moment I am just sitting back while taking notes of every presidential candidates in 2016.

Two days ago several bloggers or news made the announcement to everyone in the United States of America that Donald Trump have officially declared his candidacy to run for President in 2016, it was somewhat shocking but at same time it wasn’t shocking because it was almost predictable that Donald Trump would declare his candidacy to run for President in 2016 due to leaving trails of hints that there was possibility that he would declare his candidacy for President in 2016 and now declared his candidacy to be President of the United States of America in 2016. My thoughts on Donald Trump to be our President? Uh.. Actually I am a bit confused over this because I never seen him in politics, only thing at this exactly moment I am feared of if he is to become President of the United States of America is that he is known for somewhat a bit greedy who loves money so if he became President then is he only going to focus on helping the people who are rich or is he going to help both low and middle class people? Only one thing that at the moment I know what I like about Donald Trump running for President is that he loves United States of America, cares for this country obviously but I have no knowledge of if he cares for the people who are here in the United States of America. He is more of a business person than a politician so in my honest opinion is that I have no clue how he will do as President but it would be obvious that if he is to become President that he would be all about business and not be a politician possibly but again that is what Republican means and I am a Democrat because I am all about the people. Just because I am democrat doesn’t means I will not vote Republican President or other party but only as long as they show that they care about the people but while caring about business which that is fine with me which I suggest that you all should vote the President that puts us as the people as their top priority because the country cannot run properly without us the people.

As for the rest of the Presidential candidates in 2016, I cannot discuss or share my opinions about the others because I don’t know anything about them yet but when I do then I will share more opinions about the rest of presidential candidates in 2016 with all of you. I am undecided on who to vote for President of the United States of America at the moment but one thing I do know is that I will never vote for Jeb Bush because we had enough of two Bush who puts most of us through miserable times, no matter how convincing he can be he never will get my vote because I have seen it firsthand with two Bush as Presidents which this is where I say enough is enough and I hope that all of you agree with that. Please know that I am not forcing you to not vote Jeb Bush, of course as it is your choice of who you would like to vote to be President for your country as you have the rights to vote but that doesn’t means I am going to like it and only reasons I say such things about Jeb Bush is that out of hope for all of you to be careful with who you are voting to be our President because voting is seriousness. You are voting a President to administrate the country that we are in because if we aren’t careful with who we are voting to administrate our country then it might get out of control as it had happened few times in other countries to the point that they had civil war or to protest them to resign.

If you want to know all the people who are presidential candidates that have decided to run for President in 2016, I suggest you to check this New York Times post or page here:

I would like to hear your opinions about the presidential candidates in 2016 so leave comment below here under this post and share your opinions on whoever is in presidential candidate in 2016 or the presidential candidates in 2016 if you don’t mind. For out of respect, please don’t argue in the comments section but you are very welcome to agree or disagree as long as you have the reasons for it and please remember that this is my own opinions. I best get going as it is late because it is 4:30AM in the morning now, I have not been to bed yet which that is something I need to be doing so that means I must stop writing any further on the subject but hopefully I will blog another one soon again if I ever have any free time so keep an eye of yours out for a new blog post. Thank you all for all of your time reading this blog post very much, I hope that all of you have a great night or morning whichever it is over there and be safe wherever all of you are at or be safe doing whatever it is that all of you are planning on to do for the night or for the morning – Stay awesome my friends!

P.S. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @JoshiesWorld!
– Joshie.

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