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FaceBook’s Video Comment.

I am the one, I am sure there are many of others too who pressed Mark Zuckerberg to add video function to the comment for the FaceBook because before I started pressing Mark Zuckerberg the CEO of FaceBook it only has pictures function where you could upload pictures in the comment but not video and I decided to send a message to CEO of FaceBook Mark Zuckerberg that I suggest for him to add the video option along with the picture in the comment function because I have seen where several Deaf or Hard of Hearing people have complained about not being able to respond to anyone’s post with a vlog in American Sign Language so I suggested that Mark Zuckerberg to add the video function to the comment section instead of just only the photo function in the comment. This was not only one message as I have sent Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg on regular basis to remind him that he need to add video function to the comment because so that it would allow us Deaf community to be able to respond our family members or our friends wall post with vlog and that we can respond using our language American Sign Language instead of text comment. I also have explained FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying that we Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals are known to not fluent in writing English as it is not our first language as American Sign Language is our first language so this is why that we ask for the FaceBook to acknowledge that and to accept my suggestion by adding the video function for the comment on FaceBook so for once of all that we can finally respond using our native language American Sign Language instead of having to type a language that isn’t our native language which is English.

It has gone on for over a month, as I had a conversation with Mark Zuckerberg about this situation as I educated Mark Zuckerberg that our reading and writing grade levels is commonly at grade three due to the schools not giving us proper education as that our language were deprived as soon as we started going to school at youth age.

As it seems that Mark Zuckerberg understood. I went on to explain that our language, American Sign Language is virtual which is why we demand video because in video is the way that we can visualize ourselves and such using our first language American Sign Language. A while back Mark Zuckerberg made a post under his account on FaceBook where he discussed about wanting all of members on FaceBook to feel that they are welcomed to use the service regardless what their background is, equally such as ethnical which Deaf and Hard of Hearing takes part in ethnic since that we have Deaf culture along with it as well. We Deaf and Hard of Hearing don’t see being Deaf or Hard of Hearing is part of disability itself and that most of us consider it as our ethnic so that if FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants all of people regardless what their background is then we are part of that along with others different ethnic that he shouldn’t leave us Deaf and Hard of Hearing people out too as we are part of that. Good enough that Mark Zuckerberg understood, as it looks that he went with my suggestion and recently added the video function in the comment section on Facebook!

Video Comment

Yes, that means that you can reply using video in the comment section now and to do so all you have to do is press the camera button inside the text field on right side. So that is a great news for all of us as we need it for a very long time because I have seen a lot of vlogger posts with comments saying that they wish that there is a way to leave a video response in the comment so now that they can to do so. Before you could leave a video response but to do so you would have to upload a video to somewhere such as YouTube or on your Facebook then get the link to the video and paste the video link in the comment section. But no longer you have to do that as you can just simply make a video response and press the camera button in the comment section then upload the vlog that you have made and post it! I would like to give my thanks to FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and FaceBook teams for making this to happen because we have wished for it for a very long time since you could post a picture in the comment.

Please know this that I might not be the only one who get this to happen, as there may be some other people who have suggested the same thing and I did not know it or even FaceBook may have planned on to add the video function in the comment even before I suggested. Only thing I can say is that I do know that I was the one who had a conversation with FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to educate about the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people along with why it is very important that he or the team to add the video function for the comment so that it would allow us to respond to a wall post using our own language American Sign Language instead of having no choice but to write English. So now that we have a bilingualism option as we can upload a video in response using American Sign Language or other country’s language or type English or other country’s language in text.

Here is an example of how to upload the video in the comment section on FaceBook to respond a wall post made by somebody else or on your own wall post. Of course the first thing you would have to do is to record a video yourself using American Sign Language and then you will have the video to upload in the comment section to respond in your own language.

Facebook Video Comment

Over To You

I hope that now that Facebook have added the video function in the comment section that every one of you can enjoy leaving a video response in the comment instead of typing in English or any other languages in form of text. This is to benefit for the both worlds from the Deaf community and the hearing community although I did it for the Deaf community so that they can end this once for all as everybody have longed wished to have a way to respond to someone’s wall post using a video with American Sign Language or even spoken language such as English for the hearing people!

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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