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7-30-2017 Snippets

How are you all today or tonight?! I hope that all of you are doing well and I am doing well myself. I know it’s shocking that I decided to write another post for the blog in this short of time since I last wrote an article as lately I haven’t been that much of active in blogging world. I have tried to push myself back to where I can at least write two articles per week, but I can’t promise that I will because I don’t want to promise something that I might end up breaking and I don’t like breaking any promises if there were a promise made by me to somebody. Anyway, here I am with another snippet for you all to read and I probably will only do a short one tonight because I am not exactly in the mood to write an article for the blog. Really, I haven’t been in mood for anything lately and not only that I haven’t been feeling well myself for a week now. Summer is running out; this year is probably the shortest and quickest summer I have ever felt or seen because all the students and employees going back to school on August 7th which is in one week from now. But again, as I have said before, probably in a lot of articles that I am not really a fan of the heat and that I truly love the winter more than all the seasons. Because of the temperature? To some extent, yes but not only that, because I love the feeling of seeing the snows sticks to the ground here at home and it makes me feel homey. If we aren’t dangerously stuck here because it’d be bad if we were to be stuck and we need to get to the emergency room for something or when we have appointments for something. I guess, I don’t mind being snowed in as long as we still have the power, water and whatnot along with the road cleared only on these days that we must go somewhere such as our doctor appointments, to shop for grocery or to pay bills for something.

If you aren’t a fan of the winter than there is something serious wrong with you and I recommend a counsel from your doctor. Of course, I am kidding but if you cannot feel the homey during the snow days then it’s sucks to be you.

7-30-2017 Snippets

I am hoping that I only will write at least a couple or three topics because I realized that there is something else that I need to do before I head out to bed. It’s 6:30AM o’clock this morning over here in the commonwealth of Kentucky and it’s late because I haven’t been to sleep since around 12:00PM yesterday. Here I go, I hope that you find my opinions interesting.

Republicans and Affordable Care Act.

I was one of among other several people who stayed up watching the television where the senators vote a few amendments to replace the affordable care act aka Obamacare and votes to repeal. It was a scary moment for many of us who rely on Affordable Care Act for several years, most Americans wanted to keep Affordable Care Act while there are the other group of people who wants to have it repealed and replaced with something else. The democrats along with two Republicans senators, Lisa Murkowski from Alaska and Susan Collins from Maine has worked hard to make sure that affordable care act isn’t repealed or replaced. And then when it gets to the last which is called “skinny repeal” where it would only remove three keys in Affordable Care Act such as Individual Mandate, Tax on Medical devices and employer mandates where it enforces the company to give its employees’ health insurance. Now, if that skinny repeal had been passed in the senates and it won’t end from there because it will go back to the house where they will be making decisions of their own which they can simply pass the skinny repeal or make it even worse. All Democrats knew this, two republicans knew this and one senator who surprised us at the end knew this. The Republican senator that surprised us were the senator with a critical vote that would either pass or not pass the repeal or to replace Affordable Care Act was none other than the Maverick himself, John McCain.

If John McCain had voted yay on the skinny repeal at the end then it would be passed with vice president Mike Pence being the tie-breaker but John McCain decided that he’d stir up the drama and at the end John McCain walked to the Mitch McConnell signaling the attention from the person who count votes with his hand up in air which stirs the drama for millions of people along with the senators on that floor watching; he then pointed finger down as a vote for nay. That outright killed Republicans dream of repealing or repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act. On social media, countless of Americans thanked John McCain for it and reign himself with the name that he’s known for – Maverick.

In my opinion, it was the right thing to do because it wasn’t bipartisan to begin with as this whole thing were in a closed back room with only Republicans and Democrats weren’t invited to come up with what could have been a great healthcare to replace Affordable Care Act. Long-time Republican Senator John McCain said so himself and beside Republicans did not want to improve the healthcare as they only want to make it even worse. Only way to improve is if they offer something better than what Affordable Care Act has, removing anything from affordable care act isn’t considered improvement and to improve they must offer something better. Affordable Care Act works but I will be the one to admit that it does have flaws in it and only one step from there to improve or to say that they have a better healthcare is to start with single-payer. United States is very behind that, as there are several countries who doesn’t even have the half of the money that we have and they offer free healthcare for all so see something wrong there right? If United States has five times more in money than other countries who offer free healthcare for all then United States should have already offering free healthcare for all Americans several decades ago.

We are just one step from getting that but one problem is that the Republicans hates the idea of helping the Americans instead of the corporations. This was exactly why they were working so hard to have Affordable Care Act because it was intended for the Americans instead of the corporations and Republicans want that reversed so that the corporations can have their “treats” back while none for us Americans.

Trump Bans Transgender in Military

Oh, what now?! The President of United States, Donald Trump have decided to take himself upon Twitter and tweet stating that he now bans transgender in military because it puts the burden on others and the cost of medical. Okay, I remember that Bill Clinton (a democrat president) passed a bill calls “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” which was the beginning of allowing LGBT community to serve in military if they don’t share openly that they are L/G/B/T and it wasn’t still enough because even though it allows them to serve in military but at the same time it oppress them. This why in the year of 2010, Barack Obama decided to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and that allows LGBT to serve in military without having to keep themselves in the dark. I believe that every Americans have the right to serve in the military regardless what their backgrounds are, this includes LGBT, Deaf and people with disabilities such as wheelchair bound. Of course, not putting anyone who’s in wheelchair in combat but working with technology such as drone pilot and whatnot. Apparently since that Donald Trump took upon himself to Twitter to declare that transgender is not allowed to serve in the military which means they will have to keep it secret if they want to serve in the military just as they would when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was a law back then.

I strongly disagree with the statement by the President, as I said that every Americans should have the right to serve in the military if they want to and he had the audacity to say that the transgender are not allowed to serve in the military because it burdens on others with the medical costs which is only %0.13 while giving thousands of Viagra per day for soldiers men which costs 5 times or more that. Of course, transgender soldiers who felt betrayed and heartbroken by that because their Commander-In-Chief telling them that the transgender in military are no longer welcomed. What’s next? The President seems to love to reverse everything good that had happened for the American and he apparently loved doing so. Geez, by this day I still cannot understand why there are a lot of people who still supports Trump and who voted for Trump to become the President. This is when I wish that I have the same power from The Flash so that I could have the power to put myself in the future and stays there until the 2020 election then come back.

P.S. Any of you who supported that statement, not allowing the transgender soldiers to serve in military; shame on you. Seriously, shame on you.

GoPro Fusion

How awesome this GoPro Fusion is?! If you haven’t heard or don’t know what GoPro Fusion is, it’s new additional to GoPro Cameras line where you can capture a video or a picture in 360! I am a huge fan of GoPro, obviously which I am sure that you can tell especially if you have watched my videos on YouTube as most of these videos were captured with GoPro camera and I collects GoPro generations starting with 2. Yes, I do have GoPro Hero 5 Black and Session. Now I cannot wait to get my hand on their new line camera, GoPro Fusion and it’s going to be fun to record a video when I go riding on my four-wheeler or when I am traveling somewhere. Here’s a video on GoPro Fusion.

If you are YouTuber and get GoPro Fusion then your viewers can watch the video in 360 by moving the phone around or move around in video with the mouse cursor.

… The End

I am afraid this is the ending as it’s almost 8 o’clock in the morning and I am getting tired while I still have a couple of things that I need to complete before heading to bed. If you would like to share your own opinions or thoughts on these topics then please feel free to leave a comment below or if you have a blog and wrote an article sharing your opinions or thoughts on these topics then feel free to pingback to this article. Now, I need all your help if you don’t mind my asking. I would greatly appreciate if you could think of some topics that you would like for me to share my opinions or my views on the topics that you would like to hear from me and submit topics suggestion to me using this page or find “submit” button at top of this website. Thank you very much for all your time reading this article, I hope that all of you have a great morning or night whichever it is over there and I bid you all a goodnight!

Joshua “Joshie” Sullivan.

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